American University Of Kuwait Graphic Design
ART 120, 2-D Design, (3) [H]. This is an introductory. . GDES 220, Graphic Design I, (3). An introductory. . American University of Kuwait P.O.Box 3323, Safat .
E-mail: Mission The Art and Graphic Design Department degree program offers a balance of theory and practice in the art and science .
Degree Requirements. University Degree Requirements (124 credit hours): To receive a Bachelor of Arts in Graphic Design, students must complete at least 124
The Graphic Design (GDES) degree program offers students the opportunity. Upon completion of the AUK Major in Graphic Design, the student will be able to:. . Board of Trustees of the American University of Kuwait, or by the President or .
See Bachelor of Arts Programs in Graphic Design in Kuwait 2018. Upon completion of the AUK major in Graphic Design, the student will be able to articulate .
A graphic designer works on a variety of products and activities, such as websites
The American University of Kuwait is committed to a liberal-arts model of education (including business), through which students are encouraged to take courses .
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