Graphic Designer Salary Nashville Tn
3 Senior Graphic Designer Salaries in Nashville, TN provided anonymously by employees. What salary does a Senior Graphic Designer earn in Nashville?
As of Jun 2018, the average pay for a Graphic Designer in Nashville, TN is $38977 annually or $16.22 /hr.
Average Graphic Designer salary: $19.02 per hour. Data comes from 67 real salaries collected directly from employees and jobs on Indeed.
How much does a Graphic Designer in Nashville, TN make? The chart below features salaries for our most popular job titles that fall under the term Graphic .
How much does a Graphic Design Specialist II in Nashville, TN make? The median annual Graphic Design Specialist II salary in Nashville, TN is $53,284, as of .
How much does a Graphic Design Specialist I in Nashville, TN make? The median annual Graphic Design Specialist I salary in Nashville, TN is $46,033, as of .
Graphic Designer salaries in Nashville, TN. 36Salaried Entries; N/AFreelance Entries; N/AAvg. Freelance Rate. 25th Percentile$35.3K Median$42.5K 75th .
Learn more about average Graphic Designer Salaries in Nashville, TN on Simply Hired. Compare average salaries by job title and skillset.
32 Graphic Designer Salaries in Nashville, TN provided anonymously by employees. What salary does a Graphic Designer earn in Nashville?
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